Hey guys it has been way too long .. again. I have had a flu and seriously I have not been interested in photoshoping my haul picture or writing English. I'm so lazy I know : (
We have been planing a halloween party with Milla and somehow that has taken my time, also school is taking so much time. I'm going to let you know my outfit when the actual party is because I want to keep it as a secret. I'm still waiting some things to get for my new headder picture so that I could finally get my blog to look the way I want and change the name. The curent blog name is just not me at all and I have started to hate it even more and maybe that has been one reason too why I havent writed for a couple weeks.
I've been runing to see doctors and finally things are going the way I want. It is not anything serious so no one has to worry!
I just had a autumn break and it was BORING I did nothing. I just were at home and watched movies with Milla. Luckily Minna came here on Saturday and we filmed our little short movie about...some thing you will see it when it is ready. We had so much fun and laughed our asses off. Even tho I look fat in all the parts I'm in, it was fun and I enjoyed it alot. We also watched some horror movies togwether I chose One Missed Call and the other movie was Unborn, I liked both of them.
As you might guess I have bought some clothing these past 3 months in Vaasa so I took pictres almost all of those things and cloths which I bought and edited them together in one picture. I forgot to take a picture of my "Lita's" but oh well you all know how Spike Litas look. I just have to review them.
My fake lita shoes
I know I'm a bad girl for buying fake ones but I have my own little reasons. But to the review. These shoes are comfty and it really came to me by suprise! I expected to get really crappy quality shoes, but these are well made and they look good. The spikes are little different from the real ones so if you really know how they look you know the difference between the real ones and the fake ones.
Only minus with these shoes is that they don't hold your ankle enough but I've tryed real ones too and they have the same problem. I have some troubles walking with these because of my bad and loose ankles but I will practise.

I hate photoshoping
I've started to love stars and stripes print and london flag print ;_; and my new favorite colour is mint green ♥
And some random pictures of my makeup and hairstyle from last Friday. Also I've been doing some DIY hair bows :3
I hate this shitty quality : I but what do you think?
And this is my cat clled Tuho (Destruction) and the name is so right for him : I . . well he is cute as fuck ♥
So long!