It been too long since my last actual entry and I'm so sorry about these delays!
The main reason why I havent bloged properly in these past weeks is that my girlfriend Milla aka Ane-ue was here from Vaasa and she stayed here for two awesome weeks. Though she left home last weeks Thursday so this past week I've been lazy and in inner coma haha.
I have to warn you tho, this entry might be long.
Thursday 2.2.2012 Milla came at 11PM. Her train was supposed to be here after 9PM but thanx to these Italian trains the locomotive broke down just right before Kemi. We didn't do anything that day, because it was late, so we just watched movies and snuggled, made some food and I think we also played Facade this one really idiotic interactive indie came.
At Friday we went to shopping some clothes because of plans on going out on saturday. I also had to buy two roller blinds for my and moms bedroom and we were by foot. It was cold as hell but at least we got some nice clothes. Some of those clothes havent been bought that day. Some are from eBay and some are from Vday.

Thx for my girlfreind who photoshoped those clothes together ♥
met up with my friends and talked about Saturdays plans of going out and have some fun and we did go out but because our plans of going this place called Chillout crashed like an old plane (there were an erotic show and it costed 8€ to get in there), We went this one place called Ankkuri. It was the shittyest place I've ever been. The cider tasted like water and it were expensive water cider and the place was full of old ppl. Decoration was beautifull tho. After those ciders we went back home and hud fun at my place.
My saturdays look
Some jewerly I was wearing, and wear all the time.
Black Blouse
Leather Leggings
Leopard Wedgies
Not so WOW look but it was comfty
Some random pictures
Some picture wich Milla took and insist me posting in here.
She said my lips look nice in thise one.
While we took our outfith pictures and couple pics she went on biting my fingers >: (
At the bar with Milla,
Sanna and Miska.
Their faces look funny ♥
Really my friends can never be seriously in front of camera.
Miska? played with my camera, I didn't even remeber this picture.
I know ppl love so much couples taking kiss pictures but I like this because of those light things : D
Miska and I ♥
First good picture of us together
That was the end of Saturday pictures. Okay I have couple from my room but they are all foggy ;_;
The following week we bought some fabrics for our cosplays. Went to café etc. It might be Thuesday or Wednesday that we went out to take some pictures at Chillout? I really don't remeber at all, and it doesn't really matter because it was fun.
Nerd Glasses
College Jacket
Dress Shirt
Leather Leggings
Woolly Hat
Milla took like 100 photos of me ;_; damn she likes to take photos + she is the only person who really can take good photos of me.
and ofcourse if you go to café you have to buy something so we decided to taste these. They were delicious but I wouldt eat those all the time, too sweet.
After that day we didn't go anywhere else than nearest shopping center because we did out cosplay outfiths for Saturdays Kitacon.
I don't have any good picture of my cosplay outfit, or any other ppls cosplay outfiths but Milla has them on her blog go check them out! My jacket didn't quite fit on my body and I did it in 2 days. It was my first outfith I have ever made. I had one picture and have it, but I photoshoped it because of the jacket wich hid my waist + I looked like toy block : D So I wont put that picture in here only my friends can see it lol. I'll fix it for summer and hopefully I'll be thinner by that. Yey gym here I come!
I bought manga for almost 60€ =_=" but I really wanted to buy those so I should be happy yey. I think I have more than 300 pieaces of manga now : D
Milla as Euphemia and I as C.C from Code Geass
I have only this one, we went to eat because all of us were so hungry.
Yeah I got a pizza and it was freaking DELICIOUS do you got problem with that? :3
this character on Code Geass eats freaking pizza all the timeI don't know how she can do that.
On sunday we went to Miska and Milla took some awesome photos of him (you can chek them from here) and on monday Miska came to see us and we made him look like a girl. I got the honnor to makeup him and it was so hillarious because some pictures he looked like me O.O
Putting on the face lashes
photo: by Milla aka Ane-ue
She looked so pretty XD and he had fun being in front of the camera.
I also have video of him dancing but I can't upload it right now : <
On Valentines Day we went to Tornio and Haparanda (Sweden) to shopping, eat and Milla wanted to go to Candy World.
Vdays Outfith

Winter Jacket
College Jacket
Winter Sneakers
Dir en Greys T-hirt
I look like and alien + those girls on the background where stairing at us lol. The red haired one had really awesome hair ♥
yup yup yup yup yup
Cotton Candy Mustache
Cotton Candy and Trocadero. That cotton candy tasted like, strawberries, banana and blueverries. Best freaking cotton candy ;_; ♥
Also I got my new circle lenses at Vday. I odered these from Lensvillage so I'll be making a review of these any time soon.

That is the end of Vday. On Wednesday we decded to do last photoshoot before Milla went home. We didn't go to Snow Castle as we planned because the first week were -30 all the time so Milla didn't want to freeze my butt. Last week was warmer but we were totally booked up with different plans so we didn't have time nor money to go to Snow Castle.
Still we wanted to do that snowy look for me and we decided to take those photos near my home.
Winter Wonderland
It werent so cold outside that day onlu -5 but in the very first minutes of out photoshoot I went and fell into snow without gloves or anything so I froze both hands and knees. : I
Milla wanted to take picture of my snowy hand before she let me warm my hand inside her jacket ;_;
I'm wearing my new green lenses here and I love these even tho my real eye color is green
I made these face lashes by adding white nailpolish on them.
We were taking these photos in this little forrest path, first we needed to make the path again so I froze my foot because the snow went inside my shoes. Well at least we got some good pictures so I don't mind.
All I can say it that Milla is one awesome and goof photographer ♥ thank you for these pictures. Milla wanted to do some candy like photoshoot but then we run out of time and didn't do it.
And on Thursday she went back home and I miss her already.
When she went home I got this weird urge to dye my head so I did it.
So I dyed it black and left some blond into it. I was supposed to leave more blond but I failed with that black dye : /