So a week ago on Sunday 29.9.2013 I was waiting to see the GazettE. This gig had been my long dream and it finally came true when I first heard that they are coming to Finland. I had been waiting for them over 6 months...and 6 years? These guys played at Circus and it was my first time of going there. I liked that place alot!
the GazettE is my #1 favorite band and I went totaly nuts when I heard they are coming here. Ofcourse I wanted VIP and that is what I got.
Anyway back to Sunday. I went to check the line about 1PM and by that time there were alot of VIPs and by alot I mean over 200 I guess...(it was rumored that there were total 400 VIPs there) so I decided to go wait in the line too with my friend Temo and we also got to know Sanni and later that day Pirta joined us too.
I was so nervous for the whole day that I couldn't eat anything tho my dear friend Temo brought me a banana and it was delicious :'D
Temo, Pirta and Me
We had to wait till 5:30 and after that no one was allowed to go away from the line and about hour later it was time to let VIP people in the Circus. It didn't feel like VIP because there were so many of us anyway. I think alot of fans were pissed of because VIPs didn't get a gift and mebers got only plastic bag. Well can't whine the gig was worth it anyway.
Me, Temo and Sanni decided to go to the balcony and we got amazing view to the stage. Tuomas took a picture of our view and I stole this picture from him (I got permission to use it tho)
Me, Temo and Sanni decided to go to the balcony and we got amazing view to the stage. Tuomas took a picture of our view and I stole this picture from him (I got permission to use it tho)

Also better picture of my new phone case ♥
I have nothing bad to say about the gig but I heard that some people were assholes to each other and almost all of them were Russians? Why? Everytime I hear that some shit have happened it is because of Russians.
I was happy that no one took photos and it seemed that everyone behaved or tryed to behave.
After the gig I hanged out with friends for about an hour and it was fun hope to see you guys again. Some I had met before and some just met. I'm still all exited and nuts because of the gig. I still need to make an entry about Helsinki Gyaru Meet but I will leave write about it next time.
Thank you!