torstai 22. maaliskuuta 2012

Souvenirs from Japan

Just a quick entry about my souvenirs from Japan. I didn't get much because I only wanted an egg magazine ^^. I also wanted mens egg but my friend didn't find it (I fixed this part because I first understood her wrong) Thank you Lygo and I'm more than happy with the egg magazine and she was kind enough to send me Yumachi & Aina poster too the golden one and some fliers. I also went and curled my wigs because the red one had loose almost all of it's curls and I just wanted to curl the blond one too but it was bit hard. If you want to know how you can curl your wigs Viivi has a good  tutorial for it and I don't seem to find any reason to make tutorial of myself.

Tell me should I keep these photos this big or should I go back to the way I used to add them?

Now to the souvenrin pictures I want to talk bit about my egg magazine because I found so many nice clothing styles again and hair colors and ofcourse some pretty weird styles too. I also noticed that
ぐぐ-chan had cuted her hair short (or just tooked extensions off) and it looked so cute on her. She is one of my favorite models.

I love those shoes

 I wish I could have that red blonde hair ♥

She has somehow the style (and body ;_; ) wich I would like to have it's really plain and not so amazing but somehow I love those heels and jeans too much♥

She must be one of those persons who have really unique and weird style. I never have really liked her style and yeah...I really don't have nothing to say since I can't stop laughing. Tell me if I'm weird but I think she looks....scary.

There were so many girls with jean jackets.

She cought my eye the very first second  I saw her. I love everything about her style. Hair, clothes and those boots!

Finaly my favorite one of them all Kanako ♥ first I didn't like those shoes so much but now I think they are pretty and I really like her shirt and backbag!

Also Ayame on the right corner looks amazing and cool ♥

Sorry if this entry looks so messy because I have started to think that maybe this freaking blogger hates me because it never works. @__@ like some of those pics are the way they are supposed to be but some just GAAAAH. I hate blogger so much and I still use it : D and I'll inform about the giveaway to those who took part into it. I'll send you all a e-mail today or tomorrow !

14 kommenttia:

  1. Eggin mallit on niin söpöjä kaikki ;___;<3 Ja ne vaatteet! Loove<3 Olin käväsemässä helmikuussa Japanissa poikaystävän kanssa ja tottakai nappasin Eggin lähimmästä konbinista jossa niitä myytiin :D.
    Mäki tykkään Gugu-chanista! :3 Sil on kiva tyyli~

    1. Musta on aina nii ihanaa omistaa noit lehtii omalla hyllyllä, entä ku se et lataisin vaa skannauksii koneelle ;__; ♥ Gugu-chan on niiku aivan äly söpö ja sen tyyli on joku ihanin, se on kyl sillee yks inspiraation lahde mulle <3

      Haluun kans japaniin ostaisin varmaa iha sikana egg lehtii XD haluisin kyl mens egginki vaa koska ne miehet on aiak hot XD

  2. Näen ViViDiä... *--------* Ja nää kuvat on kivempia tälleen isona !

    1. ViViD♥ vaikken oo niitäkää kyl kuunnellu piiiiitkään aikaan XD ja kiva kuulla jonku mielipide toho kuva kokoon. Varmaan jatkossaki kirjotan tällee XD

  3. heiii ei se etten saanu mens eggiä ollu siitä et rahat meni sekaisin vaan ku en löytäny sitä ,____, rahat meni sekaisin ku vaihdoin eurot jeneihin. En löytäny miesten eggiä kun en tiedä mistä sellaisia saa, kaupas mistä tuon ostin, ei ollu :c

    1. aa ku mä käsitin et se johtu rahan sekoittumisesta XDD mut ei se mitään on happy toho Egg lehteenki! ♥ kiitti viel ku jaksoit raahaa ;__;

  4. You should be thankful for what your friend got for you! I bet she'd spend room from her luggage for her own things rather than your magazines. You should show some respect, not to complain like a child. Go ahead and buy your magazines.
    I don't want to complain either, I kinda like your blog. But rather than sitting in front of a computer complaining about what you didn't get, you should be happy for what you actually got.

    1. I'm rather happy that she actually got me that ONE magazine not mahazines. I've said thanx to her like zilliong times and I'm still so happy for that magazine I really am. Hope you understand. I just understood her words wrong and on the upper comment she told me that she COULN'T find the mens egg not that she messed up my money like I understood her in the first time she told me about my souvenirs and the messed up money.

      I hope that you now understand that I'm more than happy that she got me the magazine and bought it with her.

      Thank you.^^

  5. nice post, i should really buy a japanese fashion magazine again :)

    1. you should XD I now bought 2 more but they are from 2009

  6. Onko noi skannit uusimmasta Eggistä? Siistejä asuja ja hiuksia, mut HERRAISÄ tulin surulliseks kun näin ton Kanakon kuvan :'( Kuin siitä on tullu noin laiha, toi ei näytä enää kauheen terveeltä... Ok, ei ollut tarkoitus tulla kukkahattutäteilemään ja jeesustelemaan, ällistyin vaan tosta kun oon kyylännyt Eggiä kesän 2009 numeroista asti ja Kanako oli niin erinäkönen niissä :0

    1. joo mulla on kans joku kesän egg ja säikähin hieman myös et kui se on muuttunu ja laihtunu. Sillee se on kyl huomattavasti eri näköne ja kasvoista huomaa et kiloja on lähteny lisää : / Ja noi skannaukset on 4 april 2012 lukee lehdessä eli aika uus.

  7. you really should improve your english if you still plan posting in foregin language. body, not pody, caught not gaught. just saying, would make you sound much more like a 'professional' blogger.

    1. I am truly sorry, but I'm happy that those are just minor mistakes. I'm not professional english user and I think I'll never be. : /
